Everything Has A Purpose


Proverbs 16:4 (ESV) 4 The LORD has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble. 

Today, we are all living in very challenging times, wherein all of us are being affected in one-way or another with the coronavirus. Even if you are not infected with it, with all the preventive measures being implemented by the government, all of us can feel the impact of it. Unlike in other calamities that are usually isolated in certain localities, this pandemic is felt globally. In fact, the number of people being infected by the disease and people dying because of it continues to rise every single day. I know all of us are asking, “When will this problem end?” or “When will the government find real solutions to it?” The reality is that only God knows the answers to all our questions.

In the meantime, I personally recommend that we all diligently abide by the guidelines provided by the government in order to protect ourselves, and keep this deadly virus from spreading to others. And at the same time, we need to humble ourselves before God, seek His mercy, and pray that He spares all of us by removing this coronavirus once and for all.

I know that when we all go through very difficult times, often, Satan creeps in and begins to cast doubts on our faith in God. If we are not careful, he can come in and cause us to begin entertaining questions like, “Is God really there, allowing all of these things to happen?” Or “Is He powerful enough to put a stop on these things?”

There is no question that with all these alarming news, day in and day out, it is so easy for us to be anxious and afraid that we begin to lose our focus in the Lord. Instead of clinging to Him for hope, we would begin throwing out of the window the very basic things we know about Him. Let me remind you that our theology should not only be true and applicable when we are in good times; they should be consistent and even more viable in difficult and dangerous times. The words of the prophet Isaiah is quite plain and simple:

Isaiah 26:3 (ESV) 3You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. 

Taking this truth to heart that the only way we can experience perfect peace is when we set our focus on God, I decided that, this morning, I would remind everyone about the fact that God remains to be all-powerful, and is able to rule and overrule everything in our world.

Having set this principle as my overall theme this morning, I have chosen a very short verse written to us by King Solomon, the wisest man who walked on earth after Jesus Christ. I firmly believe that if there is a doctrine we need to remind ourselves today it should be that God has a purpose for everything.  You see, I have been trying to read and listen to some sermons during these days, and I’m concerned that if we are not sensitive with our messaging, we can be guilty of sending an imbalanced sermon. For example, I have heard sermons saying that God is sending this coronavirus as a “plague” or punishment to the sins of the world. But if you examine the Scriptures, not all “plagues” or diseases are for non-believers only. There were also some forms of disciplines that God has used to purify the faith and lives of believers (just like the wilderness wanderings of the Jews or the discipline of the Corinthian believers who abused the Lord Supper in 1 Corinthians 11: 29-32).

How about the sermon that God will not allow believers to get the disease? Again, this claim could be true to some, but not all. We all know that even the apostle Paul was not spared from getting sick  (2 Corinthians 12:1-9). In fact, he shared in this text that he asked the Lord three times to remove his disease, but God did not do it. Instead, he was assured of God’s sufficient grace as he went through his sickness. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that God is not able to protect His children. He is totally able. However, we all need to emphasize that there are times that He allows us to suffer or get sick because of His very specific purposes. This truth is what I would like to focus on this morning and dive specifically into three important aspects of this truth:  


When we begin to read our verse, it opens with these words, “The LORD has made everything for its purpose.” Evidently, the title “LORD,” with all capital letters, is quite a familiar rendering for God in the Old Testament. Whenever this title is used, it literally uses the name, which refers to God as “Jehovah” or “Yahweh.” For the Jews, this name is the most excellent title for God because it speaks of three dynamic concepts:

  • “All-sufficient” – He is able to exist without anyone or anything. 

  • “All-powerful” – He is able to do everything. Nothing is impossible to Him.

  • “The Sovereign One” – He reigns over everyone and everything.

How many of us believe in the LORD and all the dynamic applications of His person to our lives? This doctrine is so important for us to remember, especially in our trying times like today. He is the God we know and serve. He is also the God who created everything and has determined the purposes of all things He created.

Let’s think about it for a minute. When we consider everything that exists all around us, all the beautiful and unique creations, everything was created with a specific purpose. No one and nothing is insignificant; everything and everyone is very important.

The premise of the verse is very critical because if God is the creator, then He has all the right to do whatever He pleases to do. Please consider these two passages: 

Matthew 20:15 (ESV) 15 Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or do you begrudge my generosity?’

Romans 9:20-21 (ESV) 20 But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me like this?” 21 Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable use?

Notice, the verse in Matthew 20 is a statement within the “Parable of the Laborers” in the vineyard. The story was about the owner of a vineyard who went out and hired laborers to work for him. The problem was he hired workers at different times during the workday. Some at the beginning, some were at midday, and some at the tail end of the day. However, after the day was over, the owner decided to be generous and paid all of them the daily wage. The result was that the laborers who worked the longest complained that they were being treated unfairly. But the verse is arguing that being the owner of the vineyard, he has the right to do whatever he wanted to do; anyways he gave them exactly what he has promised to give them – their day’s wage. 

The second passage in Romans 9 is primarily about the nation of Israel. They complained against God because it seemed that He has preferred the Gentiles over and above the Jews in terms of salvation. But the verses argue that God is “the potter” who has the right to do whatever He pleases to do with His clay. In terms of salvation, He has decided that the way is by faith and not by anyone’s obedience to the Law of Moses. Unfortunately, the Jews would like to insist on doing their own way, rather than abiding in God’s way. For God, Jesus is the only way, the truth, and the life; no one can go to Him except only through Him (John 14:6).

What’s the important truth here? We cannot resent whatever He decides to do with us. Our best response is always submission to His purpose. With everything that is happening today, it won’t do us any good if we kick and complain; we won’t have any peace if we keep asking why He is doing what He is doing. It is better to believe that He has a purpose for everything, and He knows exactly what He is doing. Are you willing to do just that today? 


The second part of the verse is also worth understanding – “even the wicked for the day of trouble.” In order to interpret it properly, it would help us to read this phrase in The Message translation saying – “even the wicked are included—but for judgment.”

This translation is really a very substantial inclusion in the statement. Do you know why? When we see the wicked people thriving and successful, we sometimes wonder if God is dealing with them as well. King Solomon would like to assure us that they are included in what God is doing in our world and in His appointed time his judgment will come to pass.

I believe that we all need to be reminded about this truth as well because since the coronavirus started, many of us have probably heard some make a comment that this global pandemic only shows that we are getting closer and closer to the second coming of Jesus Christ. Absolutely! We have so many visible “signs of His coming” taking place before us and we should not be ignorant about them. We should actively prepare because whatever God has told us in His Word will surely happen anytime soon.

If you are a bit doubtful about it, I would like you to take this passage to heart:  

Psalm 33:10-11 (ESV) 10 The LORD brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; he frustrates the plans of the peoples. 11 The counsel of the LORD stands forever, the plans of his heart to all generations. 

Do you sometimes think that someone can stop the Lord in what He is trying to accomplish in our world today? For example, if you have ungodly leaders who are very much anti-God, will they be able to hinder or frustrate the plans and purposes of God? The Psalmist is establishing here that there is no one, not even the most powerful nations and leaders can stop the Lord – “The counsel of the LORD stands forever.”

In other words, whatever the Lord has planned to do, in the end, everything will come to pass. We can be assured that all His plans and purposes will be accomplished. This truth should definitely give us tremendous comfort because whatever is happening today, we know that as God’s people we will never be on the losing end. Ultimately, God will be victorious!


Lastly, after establishing the truth that God has a purpose for everything, and that His purposes will surely come to pass, it would also help us to understand that His purposes are always designed for His glory and for our own good. 

If you go back to the text, you probably will not able to see this emphasis by reading the English Standard Version. But it is clearly rendered in the King James Version:

Proverbs 16:4 (KJV) 4 The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil. 

Kindly notice again the first part of the verse – “The LORD hath made all things for himself.” If you compare this text with the New Testament, you will find a verse that says the very same thing:

Colossians 1:16 (ESV) 16 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.

The very last part of the verse reinforces our truth – “all things were created through him and for him.”  This truth is a very powerful statement. Think of it this way – if you have all the money at your disposal, and you have decided to take on a project of building a house for yourself, I’m quite sure that you will design every room according to what will suit your needs and pleasure, right? The number of rooms, the best materials, the suitable amenities, and even the appliances and furniture will be meticulously planned out, because you know in the end, you will be the one who will enjoy using it. This picture is exactly how we should see ourselves today. You see, God created you and I to exist because we can bring Him great honor and joy. You and I were brought to existence with a reason or a purpose. All of us were designed for His honor and glory. 

Once we have understood this truth, it would not be hard for us to conclude that everything we are going through right now is for our good. Why? It is because if ever God allows anything to happen to us, we have the assurance that God is using everything that we are going through to increase our capacity to glorify Him. 

A perfect illustration of this principle is Joseph in the book of Genesis. As a young man, his ten brothers started hating him because he was the favorite son of his father, Jacob. As a result, they initially thought of killing him, but later, they just decided to sell him to a caravan of Ishmaelites to be sold as a slave in Egypt. While in Egypt, Joseph went through a lot of difficulties – he served as a slave for 10 years; he was falsely accused of rape; and he even ended up being imprisoned for almost three years. These were all terrible years, right? But all these tough times were the tools used by the Lord for him to be promoted as the right-hand man of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt.

Later, Joseph himself would have the privilege of being reconciled to his brothers, and would explain to them God’s purpose for all his hardships. He said:

Genesis 45:5-8 (ESV) 5 And now do not be distressed or angry with yourselves because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life. 6 For the famine has been in the land these two years, and there are yet five years in which there will be neither plowing nor harvest. 7 And God sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant on earth, and to keep alive for you many survivors. 8 So it was not you who sent me here, but God. He has made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house and ruler over all the land of Egypt.

I have always loved this story because it allows me to have the perspective that if ever I’m going through some tough times, I know God is simply using my these circumstances to bring out the best in me. He is literally using everything to increase my capacity to bring Him greater glory. Just as in Joseph’s life, I know the best is yet to come. 

How are you today? Are you allowing these difficult times to discourage you or make you resentful? I want to remind you that in all of these circumstances, God is simply working out His plans and purposes. Let’s all pray that as we continue to trust the Lord in accomplishing His purposes, we will remain close to Him, and increase our capacity to bring Him greater honor and glory through our lives. May God continue to strengthen us to stay faithful to Him!

Jesus has all knowledge and all authority over the natural and supernatural forces of this world. He knows exactly where the virus started, and where it’s going next. He has complete power to restrain it or not. And that’s what’s happening. Neither sin, nor Satan, nor sickness, nor sabotage is stronger than Jesus. He’s never backed into a corner; he is never forced to tolerate what he does not will. “The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of his heart to all generations” (Psalm 33:11).

-Dr. Jeremiah Lepasana


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