Reaching Samaria | Beyond Gender

Reaching Samaria: (Part III)

Beyond Gender

This is Rev. Jim Childs and his message is entitled "Beyond Gender". As a Full time Missionary with ABWE International, and an ordained minister, Reverend Jim's primary focus is coming alongside churches, families and individuals as they learn to biblically and effectively navigate the challenging call to reach individuals from LGBTQ community, and to minister to people impacted by those issues. He shares his story of transformation and how God used Christ followers to lead Jim back to God. He is an ordained minister, and served for 6 years as the Associate Pastor of the 360 Church in Sarasota, Florida before joining the mission field a few years ago. One of his greatest joys is to walk with families and with individuals whose lives are impacted by same sex attraction and gender confusion, helping them receive the freedom that God offers to everyone through Jesus Christ. Last year he had the opportunity to minister at 24 churches, schools and organizations in the U.S., Canada, and Peru. This year slowed that down considerably, but technology has made a way to minister in new and exciting ways!

If you would like to reach him with any questions please contact us directly and we will gladly give you his contact information.


As I Follow Christ | Come, Follow Me


Reaching Samaria | Embracing the Vulnerable