From the East to Bethlehem

Matthew 2:1-2 (ESV):
1 Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the

king, behold, wise men[a] from the east came to Jerusalem,
2 saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it

rose[b] and have come to worship him.”

In our busy lives, what does God need to do for us to create a space for Him? It is al- ways so easy to fill our lives with so many things to do that we ended up overwhelmed and stressed out. And at Christmastime, it worsens because of all the parties, dinners, and shop- ping we need to do. Instead of Christmastime as being the most wonderful time of the year, it can quickly become the busiest time of the year.

Last Sunday, we started this series, entitled "Christmas Journey," to highlight some of the characters who decided to embark on a journey during the very first Christmas and had the privilege of meeting the Savior personally. In our first sermon, we covered the shepherds who determined to go to Bethlehem to find the baby Jesus wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. This morning, as we take the time to study our Scripture passage, we will find the example of the wise men who were willing to rearrange their lives so that they could worship the Eternal Son of God who just came to earth.

These wise men were very important people during the time of Jesus Christ. The Greek word used for the phrase "wise men" is "magos," which is translated as "Magi" in other versions. During ancient times, in the Middle Eastern world, the "Magi" referred to this priestly class who were well-educated men proficient in mathematical calculations, med- icine, astrology, alchemy, dream interpretation, and history. They often acted as trusted advi- sors to kings. If you can still remember, during the time of King Nebuchadnezzar in the book of Daniel. Daniel and his friends were part of this group of people who were consulted by the king when he had a troubling dream in Daniel 2. Many Bible scholars agree that these wise men who traveled to see Jesus probably came from either Saudi Arabia or Persia.

Going back to verse 2, you will find why they decided to travel and seek the baby Jesus – "For we saw his star when it rose[b] and have come to worship him." In other words, while they were busy carrying out their responsibilities, they saw this unique and supernatu-

ral star that convinced them that the Messiah had been born. Bible scholars believe that since they were serving as priests, they were probably familiar with the many Old Testament prophecies concerning the coming of the Mes- siah. Having received this revelation, they decided to seek Him and honor Him with their worship. Why? Let me share at least three reasons:


Before I explain this point, let me correct the notion that the "Magi" were kings. The reason for this tradition is because of some applied Psalm 72: 10-11 to them: it reads:

10 May the kings of Tarshish and of the coastlands render him tribute; may the kings of Sheba and Seba bring gifts!

11 May all kings fall down before him, all nations serve him!

Although they were not kings, they were very important individuals. The ancient kings depended on them for advice and discernment in their decisions for their kingdom's stability.

But when they saw the unique star, they decided to travel, not out of curiosity; they knew He deserved their worship. Without a doubt, their decision to go showed their passion for Jesus. Why? Let me mention at least three items:

A. Distance

If they were coming from Saudi Arabia, they had to travel around 1,034 miles to go to Jerusalem. It would be approximately 1,435 miles to Jerusalem if they were coming from Per- sia. With their means of transportation, it would take them at least a month or two to reach Jerusalem.

B. Discomfort

They had to travel by camels or donkeys for months under scorching and humid weath- er. Besides, there were no convenient rest areas with adequate bathrooms and no fast-food restaurants where they could stop; these were some of their considerations before they trav- eled.

C. Danger

Travelers then were also vulnerable to thieves and robbers who want- ed to take advantage of their tired bodies. Also, there were times when ene- mies would ambush them in isolated areas where no one could help them.

Yet, all these did not prevent them from traveling because they were passionate about their purpose of worshiping Jesus Christ. Their passion for seeking Jesus reminds me of what God said in Jeremiah 29:13:

13 You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.

Since they sought Him passionately, they found Him. How passionate are we in seeking the Lord? We often try to come up with all excuses why we cannot worship the Lord. I pray that the wise men can challenge us with the truth that Jesus is worthy of all our passion.


Another truth we should take seriously from the passage is the willingness of these wise men to honor the Lord by being physically present when they worship the Baby Jesus. When you think about it, since Jesus was still a Baby, they could have just sent some proxies to represent them to pay respect on their behalf.

What is interesting in this story is the sharp contrast between the attitude of the wise men and the chief priests and teachers of the Law. They were so familiar with the Old Testa- ment prophecies that when King Herod inquired where the Messiah would be born, they knew precisely what Micah 5:2 said, that the place of birth would be Bethlehem. But did they bother to check out the newborn Messiah? Absolutely not!

This attitude of the religious people during the first Christmas clearly shows how in- sufficient is the knowledge of God when it is not applied in life. James talks about this in his epistle when he says in James 2:19:

19 You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder!

The context of these words is the teaching that our faith should not only be a mere mental understanding without allowing it to change our lives. True faith begins in proper un- derstanding and results in a changed life that honors and pleases God. Demons also know God but won't change their lives into something that honors and pleases God. I hope none of

us get deceived into doing the same.

Going back to the wise men, they recognized that they had to be phys- ically present to worship the Lord. They did not send someone else to wor- ship for them; they knew it wouldn't count if they were not personally there. Read these words in Matthew 2:11:

11 And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankin- cense and myrrh.

Notice they saw the child with the mother and personally fell down before Him. Re- member, "There is no relationship with God by proxy. Worshipping and serving Him can on- ly be done personally."


Lastly, when the wise men worshiped the Lord, they made sure they brought presents to offer Him. These men showed great wisdom because they were willing to travel long dis- tances to see Him personally and understood that they could not worship Him empty- handed. And when they offered Him their gifts, they also took the time to bring costly and appropriate gifts fit for a King:

  1. Gold – It represents wealth and power, which symbolizes the deity and glory of Jesus Christ.

  2. Frankincense – it's an ointment or perfume that suggests the sinless perfection of Jesus.

  3. Myrrh – it's a bitter herb used as a perfume in embalming dead people in Egypt. It fore-

    shadowed the death of Jesus Christ.

    Our tradition of gift-giving during Christmastime comes from this passage where the

wise men who went to worship the Lord presented Him gifts. With this tradition we have of giving gifts, who are the people who would receive your best gifts? I guarantee you; they are the closest to your heart and will receive your most expensive gifts.

In terms of our worship, when we offer Him our best gifts, please know that we are simply doing what God was willing to do first to us. When God gave us his Christmas present

in the form of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, without question, He gave us a more excellent gift than we could have ever imagined or wanted.

As I close, I trust during this Christmas celebration; we will have an op-
portunity to reflect on who really is Jesus Christ to us. Is He worthy of our
sacrifices? Is He worthy of our services and gifts? The wise men set themselves as examples for us. They were wise men indeed to see Jesus as worthy of their passion, presence, and pre- sents. In Philippians 1:21, Paul himself testified that this is how you and I should always live, saying, "For to me to live is Christ ...." How about you? Do you see Jesus as worthy of your life? I hope you do.

Leading People To A Life of Commitment and Productivity in Christ

Bishop Jeremiah Lepasana/December 18, 2022


The Crib, the Cross, and the Crown


From the Fields to the Manger