Your are the Salt and the Light of the Earth

Matthew 5: 13-16: 

13 “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its  saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and tram pled under people's feet. 

14 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to  all in the house. 

16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that[a]they may see your good  works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. 

STORY: President Woodrow Wilson told this story. He said, "I was in a very commonplace. I  was sitting in a barber chair when I became aware that a personality had entered the  room. A man had come quietly in upon the same errand as myself, to have his hair cut, and  sat in the chair next to me. Every word the man uttered, though it was not in the least di dactic (educational), showed a personal interest in the man who was serving him. And be fore I got through with what was being done for me, I was aware that I had attended an  evangelistic service, because Mr. D.L. Moody was in that chair. 

“I purposely lingered in the room after he had left and noted the singular effect that  his visit had brought upon the barber shop. They talked in undertones. They didn't know his  name, but they knew that something had elevated their thoughts. And I felt that I left that  place as I should have left the place of worship. My admiration and esteem for Mr. Moody  became very deep indeed." Influence. Influence. 

What about us? What message do we portray or leave the world? Are we making  an influence as a Christian in our community?  

Beatitudes, as we have learned in previous weeks, represent a radical outlook that is  different from the world. Some commentators are saying it is a counterculture. The world  praises pride, not humility, it endorses & celebrated sin and this world is at war with God.  Now despite the challenges that we will all experience, Jesus wants all believers to be an in fluence and make an impact on the world they are living in. He wants us to be different  from this world. It is not easy to be a dedicated Christian. Our society is not a friend to God  or to Christians. Whether we like it or not we are in conflict between us and the world. Why?  A Christian is someone who has a right relationship with God through belief in the gospel.  That makes us different from the world. If you are a follower of Christ expect persecution at  the same time be an influence to the world. 

“If you try to imitate Christ, the world will praise you; if you become  

like Christ, the world will hate you!” D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones 

Transition: If you see the transition of Beatitudes from emptying yourself  (poor in spirit, mourning, meek) verses 3-5, to filling yourself v.6-8  

(righteousness, merciful, pure heart) v9-12 endure the suffering the moment you follow Jesus  to become like Jesus. The last part of the beatitudes is a warning. And then he randomly said,  “You are the salt” What? From leadership sessions to the food network. Amazing how Jesus  

transitions to that. Jesus did not stop on radical change and painful expectation (true right eousness) that is different from the world. He continues His sermon with a solution to this  fallen world. And He uses salt and light as a metaphor. Our Lord Jesus is calling us to influ ence, to be the salt and the light of the world. It is a mandate for all of us. Jesus did not say  you will become salt and light. He said we are, you are the “Salt and Light”. As a Christian or  a true believer, you cannot remove that great power given to us through Jesus Christ.  

Let’s look at the reason why Jesus’s sermon on the mount was necessary, especially to  the disciples. 

The world is subject to decay:  

Jesus is saying when he says the world needs salt and the world needs light it is human  existence. If it is left to itself inevitably goes to greater disorder, dislocation, decay, and disin tegration. In other words, it is simply falling apart. Everything falls apart. Let’s get this off on  the metaphysical plane for a minute. Think of yourself physically. We’re all falling apart, and it  takes a terrific amount of work to stop it, right? Now there are many ways to prevent the de terioration faster only to make it slower. When was the last time you looked at yourself in the  mirror and compared 30 or 40 after? There is an urgency for the people of God to be the salt  of the earth there is a demand for salt. This world is deteriorating because of the sin that  causes this society to decay.  


As I have said the world is at war with God, it is deteriorating but God seeking to recon cile with His enemies and make them children of God. God has no intention of eradicating  man but to redeem man. The cure is from the sermon of Jesus telling his disciples to be an  influence and to impact the world. So, let’s start with the salt. The purpose of the disciples  of Christ. 

I. You are the Salt of the earth. 

“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be re stored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under peo ple's feet.” v.13 

Why did Jesus use this metaphor? Why did Jesus use this figure of speech? Why did Je-

sus, when He described these people who were living like the Beatitudes,  why did He call them “salt”?  

 Brothers and Sisters, we must understand the importance of salt in Je sus’ time. If it’s important in our time, how much more important it was in  Jesus’ time! In that society, pure salt—was more valuable than gold. Pure  salt was a rare delicacy. Pure salt was a medium of exchange. In those times Roman soldiers  were getting paid with salt. In our English words salary literally means “salt money.” You un derstand that expression today, “That man is worth his salt,” or, “He’s not worth his salt.”  Salt was very valuable. Why? Because of what it did, and what it does. Let’s see why Jesus  used the metaphor ‘Salt” with His disciples. Great values of Salt (believers) in our society. 

A. Salt gives flavor – Salt is a flavor enhancer. We all know salt causes flavor to taste bet ter, when you cook any dish, you add salt to give flavor or even put salt on a lot of  food. Ex. French fries, eggs, and balut (boiled embryo). Salt gives flavor or seasoning.  Christians were told to give life or to give flavor to society. Our society right now is  weak, living bland (lacking taste), and living an unexciting life. That’s the reason peo ple are always trying to do something crazy. People are not interested in going to  Heaven or hell. Why? Because Christians around them are living a tasteless life. We  blend into the crowds. Every Christian should be different from the rest of the world.  When was the last time you had a conversation about Jesus, and they see your excite ment in talking about our Lord Jesus?  

B. Salt as preservative - Salt, in ancient times, was mostly used as a preservative. Salt is a  valuable commodity for preservatives. They did not have a freezer to keep the meat  from going bad so immediately cover the meat with salt. Salt has the power to pre vent decay. In our world salt can prevent corruption. Christians preserve the world  from the wrath of God. We are agents to delay or slow down God's inevitable judg 

ment. One day, God is going to judge this world, and before He does, He’ll pull all His  believers out and He will fire His judgment at the world. If the meat is decaying don’t  blame the meat, it needs salt. 

C. Salt gives healing – I remember whenever I had a blister in my mouth, I used warm  water with a lot of salt and gargled it the following day soar is gone. Salt has healing  properties. And for healing a good source to reduce inflammation or an antibacterial.  It has an antiseptic. In bible times when little babies were born, they would give that  baby a saline bath They will salt the baby to hold down any infection that baby might  have. We can bring healing to those around us. Meaning a source of encouragement,  comfort, and council. That does not mean we are experts. It is through the word of  God and the experience of trials in life that we can overcome it through God’s words.  Colossians 1:17: “In Christ, all things hold together.” 

Proverbs 16:24

“Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bone.”

D. Salt pierce (invades/penetrates) – Do you know if you put a spoon of  salt in a bucket of water, it will permeate that entire water? Salt is one  of the major compounds that will dissolve equally well in hot or cold  

water. The source of salt is Jesus, being the salt of the world, we  

should always be active followers, it is not an event it is a daily activity  in following Christ in our life to change society and culture. When people start to talk  about the church and say, “I don’t believe what they believe but they are so involved  in helping the community.” But here is some reality in other churches. Many churches  now are becoming gigantic or huge warehouses of salt. The church is salt itself. We  are salting one another. The meat is out there that needed preservatives. Outside  these four walls are the community that is decaying. Let us make a difference as a  church. 

Now we see how pure salt can influence the earth. Let’s look at v.14 but if salt has lost  its taste how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be  thrown out and trampled under people's feet. Salt can never lose its taste or flavor. Con taminated salt with other compounds will lose its flavor and cannot be used. The same thing  happens to us if we are contaminated and polluted by the world, we lose effectiveness.  When we become friends with the world. Jesus said. John 17:16 “They are not of the  world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. 18 As  you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.” 

The second metaphor Jesus used is Light. 

II. You’re the light of the world. 

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15Nor do people light  a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. 16 In  the same way, let your light shine before others, so that[a]they may see your good works  and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. 

We are also light. Light is a different metaphor. Yes, it is. What’s great about these met aphors, if you meditate on them, you will be amazed despite our sinful nature Jesus contin ues to use us to be the light of the world. Another valuable source of help. Now everywhere  you go there are lights but in ancient times, there are total darkness unless their lamp lit.  Light is limited. When Jesus says we’re salt, he’s saying something about human society.  That is, it tends to go bad. When he says Christians are light, he’s also saying something  about human society. In the Bible, light symbolizes truth, because light exposes falsehood  and corruption.  

Let’s see the characteristics of salt and light. 

1. Salt is hidden, a light is obvious.  

2. Salt works secretly, while light works openly.  

3. Salt works from within, and light from without.  

4. Salt is more the indirect influence of the gospel, and Light is a more direct communication  of the gospel.

5. Salt can retard (slow down) corruption, Light will reveal what is wrong and  false but helps produce what is righteous and true. 

6. Salt speaks of Character; the light speaks of testimony. 

It is necessary that both salt and light must be applied. When salt is ap 

plied, it goes inward and disappears. Light comes from within and always appears. This is  what the world needs right now, both penetration and illumination, both character and con fession. So, when Jesus says Christians are the light of the world, what it means is we bring  the truth, hope, and joy and ultimately will glorify God. 

A. Light reveals the truth. “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be  hidden. 

Luke 1:77: “To give knowledge of salvation to His people by the remission of their sins,  through the tender mercy of our God.”  

We are living in darkness, so Jesus’s follower has been called to bring the truth through  the light. The one who followed Jesus is the light. Jesus came to this world to give light in this  dark world. The purpose of light is to illuminate that which is invisible. Darkness hides the  truth; light reveals the truth. Darkness hides evil deeds; light brings them to one’s attention.  What Jesus says to His disciples is not that they ought to be light, but that they are. They have  come to know the truth, and they have acknowledged their sins and their need for a Savior.  Every true believer is a light shining in darkness like his Lord (John 1:4–9). In this dark world,  Paul says, believers “shine like stars” (Philippians 2:15). 

B. Light gives hope. 15Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a  stand, and it gives light to all in the house.” 

If we are faithful and continually not hiding that light it will give hope to this society and  the world will living in. They will see the true God. The hope of good news is that you are  saved by grace because you believe in Christ. That there is no condemnation. That you are  part of the future promise of God because you live in the light. The problem is once sin enters  our lives and if we don’t walk in the spirit then we will not be able to shine that light and we  are useless light. Light is only good when it is visible. Another challenge is we are afraid of per secution which is why Jesus reinforced that from the beatitudes “Blessed are the Persecuted.” 

C. Light shines to glorify God. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others,  so that[a]they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heav en. 

“That implies, first, that they see our good works. You need to be a “counterculture,” that’s the way you’re the light of the world not just by what you say, not just giving people the  truth, but by how you live your life, in a society. 

They will glorify our Father in heaven. That means they’ve heard something about our  Father in heaven. It implies both life and a message lived and spoken. And so here we are as  salt, retarding (holding back, slowing down) the things of corruption in the world. And at the  same time, as light, we speak the truth of the light, and live the truth of the light, so there’s a  

noticeable and positive testimony as well.

In conclusion: 

What about us? Where are we investing our time? Where are we invest ing our life? Where are you investing your money? We only have this one life,  that’s all we got; We have claimed Christ, and you said you love Christ. Are you  a salty salt? Are you a manifesting light? 

Brothers and Sisters let’s make a difference in the world; the world needs us. We’re the  only salt and light. Let’s be different; let’s make a difference. Will you covenant your heart be fore God that is what you want to do? 

July 23, 2023/Rev. Roldan Manlapig


The Believer and God's Law


The Beatitudes (Part III)